Our Loyalty Program

Here at MonkeyBouncerz, we value our customers and want to show our appreciation to them! In our Loyalty Program we encourage renting with our company by rewarding you for renting with us.

How it works

For every 5 inflatable rentals you have with us, you receive a $125 credit towards your next inflatable rental you have with us. To keep track of each of your inflatable rentals, we provide a physical “stamp card” during delivery.

 One inflatable rental = one stamp.

 Five stamps = $125 credit

IMG 3721 Loyalty
Our Loyalty Stamp Card

*Applicable to the first 100 customers only

how to join

If you are one of our first 100 customers, you are automatically in the program, starting from when you first rent with us. You also have the option of contacting us directly about joining the Loyalty Program, which also allows you to ask us any further questions you may have. Start collecting those stamps!